Snow Removal Contract & Triggers Levels

Over the past few weeks we’ve have had an unusual snowfall pattern here and we are aware that things need to be addressed due to this staggering snow fall. Our contract reads as follows:

Snow removal will be performed on common sidewalks if 2 inches or more accumulation is reached. If snowfall is two (2) inches and snow has stopped sidewalks and walkways will be cleared. If snow fall is four (4) inches on sidewalks and walkways and snow continues to fall snow will be cleared. If snowfall is four (4) inches and snow has stopped all roads will be cleared. Snow will be removed as soon as possible after snow has stopped falling. Removal is billed at $100 per truck hour, $65 per hour per ATV, and $45.00 per hour per shoveler. Ice melt is billed for materials only. ***2019/2020 snow will be invoiced at a one (1) minimum***

With the snow fall accumulating instead of melting away (typical of our weather pattern in years past) we need to address accrual of snow fall. This will be discussed at our next board meeting. February 25 at 5:00pm at Longmont Public Library.

We all want our community to be the best it can be and would like community participation, we can all work together! Please come to the monthly meetings or volunteer to be a part of a committee and participate in the care of OUR community! Come with solutions, ideas, input, etc.